Hi readers,
Sorry to have not posted for a long time.
Unfortunately I had three minor strokes in quick succession during November and December 2021. Fortunately the long term effects are minimal and affected my speech and mobility slightly. My speech is a bit slower than before and my balance has been affected such that I need to use a stick to steady myself. I contracted Covid on my last day in hospital and whilst not too ill was out of action over the Christmas period. We had to cancel our Christmas holiday in Northumberland.
I have taken the opportunity to finish my rereads of the second novel of the series prior to submitting it to Austin Macauley for their editing.
A third novel in the series has been started and the drafting/writing is about 90% completed and ready for the 4/5 rereads that it takes to iron out all the typos, mis-spellings, grammar and context.
An idea for a fourth novelette that is (will be) a prequel to the second book in the series.
regards Philippa

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